From the Astier law to the “baccalauréat professionnel”. Young people and work : apprenticeship, training and vocational guidance

 International meeting, Lyon, 5-6 juin 2019


Organized by LARHRA - Lyon University and CREHS – Artois University, with the support of : Centre d’études et de recherche sur les qualifications (Céreq), Comité d’histoire des administrations chargées du travail, de l’emploi et de la formation professionnelle (Chatefp), ESPE Lille Nord de France


Proposals can be submitted until September 30th, 2018 : All informations about this meeting will be online :




Argument and objective

How did the extension of schooling and the economic and technical changes transform the relations between young people, initial vocational training and work ?

A century after the Astier law of July 25, 1919, a major step in France that gives a first definition of technical education and that makes training mandatory for boys and girls under 18 employed in trade and industry, and a century also after the french agricultural education act of 1918, the conference scheduled for June 2019 will focus on the history of vocational training in the 20th century. At different scales and in an international perspective, paying attention to the diversity of training and their audiences as well as to changes in the labor market, the objective will be, through the history of vocational training, to deepen the knowledge of complex relationships between young people and work in the 20th century.


Ecole pratique, Roanne, début XXe siècle

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